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Roof Top Garden: Creative Tips | Tongshu Articles

Serious space constraint has added to the misery of the modern homeowner and possibly this is why more and more homeowners are looking out for creative ways to craft their own small roof top garden. To be honest, terrace garden especially in the modern and sprawling cities stand as an innovative way in taking the unused and unutilized spaces, such as the roof tops, gazebos, balcony and patios and metamorphosing them into a lush, green corner where flower blooms and the birds hum!

To put things simply, terrace gardening is more like taking up a productive, ecological and meaningful activity for turning your unused space into an extended living place. It is all about establishing new links with the season, with the milieu and definitely with your friends and family. Get creative with your home gardening ideas and this season order some of the cool greenhouse materials to create your own garden.

However, there are definitely few significant aspects, which you need to consider. For example, your terrace should be adequately strong and enough supportive to bear the weight of a pop up greenhouse. Moreover, your terrace also needs to be water proof and last but not the least, you need to work on the type of the soil for growing flower, vegetables, fruits and salad leaves on your roof top.

First things first, determine the type of your roof (whether it is a flat roof or whether it has different levels) as well as the framework used before starting with your terrace gardening project. Next important step is to determine the type of construction (wood, steel, concrete) and to evaluate the possibility of carrying out the project. Plan things well and if need be, make a survey sketch for error free completion of the project. Sure, you need to stay aware about any of the local zoning requirements as well as the building codes to avoid any kind of complications in the coming days.

To be honest, nothing can be more relaxing than enjoying a quiet sundown or a promising sun rise while sitting at a butterfly chair, in the midst of the pea green splendor of your own little plant house. Indeed, there are many advantages of crafting a roof top garden. Take a look at the following tips:

? Point 1: Terrace garden allows all to harvest fresh homegrown food, organic vegetables, salads and pretty flowers, throughout the season.
? Point 2: It stands as a nice, convenient and space saving concept of gardening.
? Point 3: A terrace garden also helps in reducing the utility cost and other fuels, which are required to keep the building cool. Remember, in some areas the temperature of a traditional flat roof can even go up to 140 degrees Fahrenheit. It is hence a nice idea to cover the roof top surface with green garden in order to reduce the overall energy cost.

As a matter of fact, there is practically no limit when it comes to the point of choosing plants to make your terrace a lush reality. The commonly known vegetables will grow well and so will many varieties of flowers. Even small container garden with carrots, potatoes, radishes, strawberries, lettuce, red beets, and cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, mustard, and collard greens will look incredibly colorful at your terrace.

Floren Neel is associated with some roof top garden material and butterfly chair suppliers for a long time. Hence, with time he learned how to make good small green houses and other outdoor innovations easily.

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Source: http://www.tongshu.net/home-family/roof-top-garden-creative-tips.html

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